Minecraft Forever Stranded – Episode 62: Boosters
Finally – power! Time to put it to good use!
Finally – power! Time to put it to good use!
Time to get going on Drack’s Loyalty mission. Apparently, the Krogan let someone steal a transport they need to survive. Let’s do something about that, shall we?
Alright, we’re out of power… and I’m tired of it! So, uh, let’s tear down the reactor…
Let’s continue exploring this desert planet, and see where the Krogan are hiding out.
Lots of good suggestions for how to get that Tier 3 Woot Factory going… let’s try them out!
It is time to start what looks like our last big planet. Welcome to Elaaden – and Paradise!
In this episode, we just need one more ender pearl to set up our factory. In the mean time, let’s automate some things. What could possibly go wrong?
As we continue clearing out these loyalty missions, we have to revisit some places we’ve been through before… and other plans are unfolding as well.
It’s time we start properly dealing with our constant lack of ender pearls.
Let’s go find those outlaws and get off this broken piece of dust!