What’s New in Minecraft 1.16 Pre-release 1?
The first pre-release for Minecraft 1.16 is here, with new anger mechanics for mobs, a new data pack selection screen and lots of bug fixes. Check out all the changes in this comprehensive video guide!
The first pre-release for Minecraft 1.16 is here, with new anger mechanics for mobs, a new data pack selection screen and lots of bug fixes. Check out all the changes in this comprehensive video guide!
Minecraft Snapshot 20w22a is here with a new piglin dance, villager work station fixes and plenty of other fixes and tweaks! Check out this comprehensive guide of all the changes!
How do you hide an ugly iron farm? Why, you build an absolutely massive steam punk airship around it, of course! Let’s get that going!
We found a fortress! We explored the fortress! We killed Blazes! There was no Netherwart… so we found another fortress! We explored the fortress! There was no Netherwart. What the heck?!
Minecraft Snapshot 20w21a has arrived with a redstone cross/dot toggle and customizable world generation… among other things! Here’s a comprehensive video guide to all the changes!
The Season has begun… Hunting Season! How do you hunt for trophies with steam power? Limepunk will show you!
We found a fortress! We explored the fortress! We killed Blazes! There was no Netherwart… so now, we need to find a better fortress. All of that with Half a Heart of health…
A tiny snapshot has arrived, fixing a server startup issue! I’ve promised you to cover every snapshot… so here’s a comprehensive video about The Change in 20w20b.
Minecraft Snapshot 20w20a is a smaller one – but still has a brand new game mode switcher and new Nether Advancements! Here’s a comprehensive video guide to all the changes!
Lime Punk’s Tridents are getting around… but what power do they truly hold? It seems LogicalGeekboy has something in mind to find out…