What’s New in Minecraft 1.16.2 Pre-release 2?
The second pre-release for Minecraft 1.16.2 is out, with plenty of bug fixes and technical improvements. Check out all the changes in this comprehensive guide!
The second pre-release for Minecraft 1.16.2 is out, with plenty of bug fixes and technical improvements. Check out all the changes in this comprehensive guide!
It’s channel update time – let’s talk about good and bad news about my adventures in nature and all of the things going on with the channel!
The first pre-release for Minecraft 1.16.2 is here! You can now place chains sideways, there are new options for the nausea effect and many other fixes and tweaks. Check them all out in this comprehensive guide!
It’s time to do something properly scary – to get on top of the Nether! That requires taking damage… which is a problem when you have no health to take from.
It’s time to move to a new district on the server – and start a new build with a huge terraforming project!
Snapshot 20w30a has arrived with waterloggable lanterns, new Bastion loot and many other bug fixes and tweaks. Check them all out in this comprehensive video guide!
It’s time to start our new massive Nether project… and we’re starting it in the hardest way possible. Some things just have to be done!
Let’s look at the Multi-Noise biome source. Are you ready for 5D math? No? Okay, well let me try this anyway…
Snapshot 20w29a is here with bug fixes and news for commands and custom worlds – check out all the changes in this handy video guide!
My storage solution (shulker boxes all over my base…) has been slightly improved – and many other things have happened. Pigstep? Pogstep! We’re back on Legacy SMP!