What’s New in Minecraft Snapshot 15w38b?
Bugfix snapshot today – here is an overview of what has been fixed.
Bugfix snapshot today – here is an overview of what has been fixed.
Skeleton Horse Archers? Broken Item Elevators? New Skeleton AI? Piston Fixes? So many updates – let’s check them all out!
7 days to go to the 24-hour Charity Limestream marathon – start your countdowns, set your reminders, it’s time to board the hypetrain!
I’ll be doing some test streaming tonight – tune in!
I’ve been playing so much Rocket League… it’s about time I start sharing some of what I’ve learned!
This week’s snapshot has arrived – a day later than normal, but packed with goodies!
Tosay is a snapshot day without a snapshot, but not a snapshot day without a snapshot video! I’ve been away for 4 days, and only just managed to catch back up to the snapshot released on Friday. I hope you enjoy, despite this being very late.
“Dropping down there seems to be like the most stupid idea ever… Alright, we’re doing it.”
What are those creatures? What do the secret messages actually mean? We dive into Submerged yet again to uncover more of its hidden story.
Here’s a quick tutorial about how to disable the player collisions that were added to Minecraft 1.9 in the latest snapshots!
It’s snapshot Wednesday, and anniversary day – one year after the release of Minecraft 1.8!