First Look – I Am Bread
Add “I’m such a great toast. It’s like I’ve been toast all my life” to the list of things I never thought I would ever say.
Add “I’m such a great toast. It’s like I’ve been toast all my life” to the list of things I never thought I would ever say.
New bugfix snapshot today which also introduced a lot of new bugs! Ahh, good times in the development versions 🙂
Fallout 4 is out, is amazing and is completely void of a FOV slider in the settings screen. Here’s a quick video on how to change your Field of View!
In this week’s Glass Core, there is a need for an item of prophecy, go guide our steps on a long journey.
In the second Sunday Rant, I take on a game I played for a decade, and why it’s sequel is almost perfect – but also entirely ruined. What do you think?
The new snapshot fixed the glitch my Automatic Arrow Tipper was based on… so I made a new one, of course!
Snapshot Wednesday turned to snapshot Thursday this week – here’s an overview of the massive amount of bug fixes in this weeks snapshot – 15w45a!
No snapshot today, it seems… so, what’s more fun than setting stuff on fire? Setting LOTS of stuff on fire!
1 Year Ago, I posted a simple Minecraft Chess video to YouTube. And look where we are now!
New series time – here’s me using my game design knowledge to rant about some game. In the first episode – Minecraft 1.9!