What’s New in Minecraft Snapshot 15w49a?
New snapshot today, with two weeks’ worth of bug fixing. So… many… fixes…!
New snapshot today, with two weeks’ worth of bug fixing. So… many… fixes…!
December is here which means we should take a moment to talk about what has come and what has yet to come. Here’s a channel update!
Sunday means rant-day. Here’s a look at how we learn to play link in Zelda games… with a special focus on one of my favorite games of all time.
I’ve lost track of how many evenings I’ve spent making the replay shots and editing this – but it’s finally here, Hotbar Survival 15. Enjoy!
Only slightly late, here’s this weeks Sunday Design Rant – where we take on the game on everyone’s lips right now, Fallout 4!
Today was the day to finally fix the transparency bug – here’s the third snapshot of the week!
Bugfix snapshot made bugs worse today – but to compensate we got Witch sounds! And Shulker sounds!
Snapshot Wednesday actually happened on a Wednesday this week! Here’s an update on all the bug fixes and changes to Minecraft Snapshot 15w47a.
Here’s a quick and easy request video for Xtream Sparky, who wanted to be able to place blocks by throwing them onto the ground.
No Sunday Design Rant this week – sorry. Instead, here’s a Minecraft Feature Suggestion. Please share your thoughts on this!