Lost in the Captions Episode 4 – Negara Notification
Another week, another iteration of YouTube mangling what I’m saying. What the heck is a negara notification?
Another week, another iteration of YouTube mangling what I’m saying. What the heck is a negara notification?
It’s time to continue our advanced map making tutorial series, this time with a look at making a replayable arena for the game.
YouTube finally finished processing the stream footage from earlier this week. Here it is!
Time for Advanced Map Making! Let’s make a Ready Check system!
It’s time to continue our dance with YouTube’s interpretation of what I’m saying. Tsunami joke?
My apologies for the delay in getting this up – I got a copyright claim I had to fight off.
Let’s up the difficulty a little bit this week as I was just falling ill when I recorded this.
Hi guys – I’m currently ill, but the fan server is up so I wanted to make a quick video about it.
Check out the server page.
What’s new in Minecraft 1.9.1 Pre-release 3? Not much, to be honest, but for completeness sake here’s an update video.
As promised, here’s the crash fix to yesterday’s pre-release. But it also contains some other fixes, so check out the update video!