What’s New in Minecraft Snapshot 16w15a?
An unexpected snapshot appears! I am still sick, so excuse my crappy voice in this one.
An unexpected snapshot appears! I am still sick, so excuse my crappy voice in this one.
I am sick again, but managed to record Lost in the Captions… my apologies for my voice sounding bad, but hey – gotta give YouTube a challenge, right?
This also means there will not be any advanced mapmaking video this week.
Today, Mojang released a new snapshot for Minecraft 1.9. Here’s an overview!
Episode 9 of Advanced Map Making is here – a bit of a shorter episode where we follow up on last week’s arena copying and make a countdown.
Here’s the channel update for April! Thanks for being patient with me 🙂
It seems like the rate of change is slowing down, but YouTube still managed to mishear some pretty important words this week. Here’s Lost in the Captions 5!
After ages of YouTube processing, here’s finally the EvoTech Charity UHC stream. Actual game stars at 15:20.
Here’s the stream archive from the Dragon Run UHC practice I did a few days back with Lethania – for some reason it took YouTube ages to process this.
Today we got a new Minecraft version… that didn’t work in multiplayer. So… today we got another new Minecraft version!
Here’s the stream archive of the live stream from earlier today of updating Bubble Shooter and some random bits and bobs.