Lost in the Captions Episode 24 – With The Youth
Microsoft Game Playing! Ooooh yeah! Here’s Episode 24 of Lost in the Captions!
Microsoft Game Playing! Ooooh yeah! Here’s Episode 24 of Lost in the Captions!
It is time once more to lick our wounds and gather our strength in our Minecraft Virtual World.
But what about all type of Marvel, YouTube? Here’s Lost in the Captions 23!
Minecraft VR is back and upgraded to 1.10.2! Let’s go home, and let’s definitely not get sidetracked!
Here’s the full stream archive for this Sunday’s Wither fight and wither farm work on the fan server.
It’s channel update o’clock, with some exciting news!
Captured 64 of what? Here is Lost in the Captions episode 22!
Let’s take on the fortress in what might be the last episode of Vivecraft on Minecraft 1.7. Let me know your thoughts!
After the slowest upload ever, here’s the stream archive of yesterday’s live stream, where I went looking for wolves and experimented with wither skeleton farming, while being trolled by my Internet connection.
“Okay, so now everything is on fire…” – here’s the new episode of Minecraft VR.
For some reason, my recording software didn’t record any of the game sounds for this one – my apologies 🙁