Minecraft Virtual Reality Episode 13 – Fortress Raid
Minecraft VR returns, and it is yet again time for us to venture into a fortress.
Minecraft VR returns, and it is yet again time for us to venture into a fortress.
Here’s the snapshot video for 16w35a! Sorry for the delay – I left town just as the snapshot was released. Also sorry for my voice – I appear to be catching a cold.
Finally time for some exciting news! Also, as mentioned in the video I’ll be away taking pictures of a house for a few days, so no snapshot video until Saturday most likely.
Today we celebrate half a year of Lost in the Captions with episode 26! Sorry for this one being ever so slightly late.
With yet another fraudulent copyright claim fought off, here’s Minecraft VR episode 12 only slightly late. Enjoy!
Viewer Competition! Can you spot the third enderman?
And the Wizard Roared: “Forever Less This Ban Passed Server!” Here’s Lost in the Captions 25.
Here are some updated versions of Panda’s AFK Fish Farms that work in Minecraft 1.11 Snapshots. Happy Fishing!
Today is snapshot day! You’ve gotta appreciate the hard work of Nutch.
Better late than never, they say – right? I’m back home and after a crazy amount of effort, here’s the snapshot video for 16w32a and 16w32b!