Minecraft Virtual Reality Episode 16 – Follow The Eye
Let’s go find a stronghold! How hard could it be?
Let’s go find a stronghold! How hard could it be?
The YouTube experience is pretty great… here’s Lost in the Captions 29!
It’s time to start getting some serious gear in Virtual Reality!
I promised you big news. Here’s big news!
Half Life 3 confirmed? Here’s Lost in the Captions 28!
Minecraft VR 14 is here – it is time to gear up, refurbish, and fall off tall things. Give plenty of suggestions for new rules – the coming two episodes are going to be pre-recorded!
New Minecraft snapshot today, with a whole bunch of fixes for fairly small bugs. Here’s a video overview!
Here’s a quick explanation and tutorial for the recall teleportation machine we built on the last livestream!
Here’s the stream archive of yesterday’s stream where we built a redstone-powered end adventurer recall machine.
Where did all my redstone go? And why is the band past server? So many questions in Episode 27 or Lost in the Captions.