Lost in the Captions Episode 42 – A YouTube Experience And A Nice Plane
Not that many changes for this week… and I am getting very tired of slabs.
Not that many changes for this week… and I am getting very tired of slabs.
It’s time to finish gearing up for our assault on the end… and then there’s the small issue of a missing tear.
New snapshot for a new version. Here’s an update video for the one (and only?) snapshot for Minecraft 1.11.1!
New hotfix patch for Rocket League out now! Here’s an overview video of the changes.
Sorry about the delay in getting this one up – here is the stream archive of the Entrapment games from the Charity Limestream on the second channel.
Bring balance to your life! Here’s Lost in the Captions 41.
Glass Core is back! No tears, no pearls… it’s time to do something about our lack of loot!
The new Rocket League version with Starbase ARC and custom training just rolled out! Here’s a video with the changes!
Channel update time – lots of things to talk about!
Time to build a monument… Sorry about this being late, I’ve been sick and then had tons of technical problems putting this video together.