Mass Effect Andromeda – Part 81: Chasing The Archon
It’s time – let’s go find the Archon and see what it is he’s after.
It’s time – let’s go find the Archon and see what it is he’s after.
We’re trying to get more stars, but while waiting for some resources it’s time to start making this desert a nicer place to live.
We’re down to our last few quests before the end… and yet the Turian pathfinder is missing. Let’s go find him!
Well, it appears we need nether stars to keep progressing… so let’s start looking into getting those.
Our continuing space adventure makes Ryder question the beginning of life.
Let’s tell everyone on the Internet what a mess my life is right now! Yeah! Oh, and also some news about the channel and stuff.
A new version of Minecraft has been released and the last missing mob from The Update Aquatic has joined the Bedrock version – watch out for the phantom!
I made a machine that lags the game! Yay! Let’s make the machine not lag the game now…
At some point in the distant past, someone said something to us about the entire civilization being in danger due to contagion something something. Maybe we should follow up on that?
Many of you have wondered what’s going on with the weird comments and flood of dislikes lately. Here’s an extra channel update with the story.