Mass Effect Andromeda – Part 90: Showdown
So the Archon took over everything and we’ve landed inside a hollow planet and our sister is a hostage. In other words, things are going just fine, thank you! We have a galaxy to save.
So the Archon took over everything and we’ve landed inside a hollow planet and our sister is a hostage. In other words, things are going just fine, thank you! We have a galaxy to save.
We need to make a clockwork engine, which is apparently made out of nearly solid gold… time to hit the mines!
A new lantern block, and some mysterious jigsaws… how’s that for a new Minecraft Snapshot? Check out 18w46a here!
Alright, let’s finally go save the galax… what’s that? You want a movie night first? FINE!
There’s a great charity event called Love Tropics on this weekend. Join me there, help out a good cause and contribute to an awesome community event!
Time to bite into the Smeltery things… which, considering how things have been this far, could take quite a while!
This week’s snapshot brings Illager patrols and handy scaffolding blocks into the world of Minecraft. Check out this video for a comprehensive look at the changes!
We’re just about ready to save the galaxy, but our crew has their minds set on… well just about everything else, really!
Uncensored version:
Let’s chat about what’s coming and what has happened!
We continue our new modded journey by crafting things using gear boxes. Very, very slowly. FTB Continuum continues!