Minecraft FTB Continuum – Episode 22: Tower of Power
It’s time to take another stab at improving our base in Continuum – time to build a new floor on our industrial section!
It’s time to take another stab at improving our base in Continuum – time to build a new floor on our industrial section!
What’s this? A second snapshot for the week with some bug fixes? And some secrets revealed, perhaps…? Well, watch this overview of Minecraft Snapshot 19w08b to find out!
What’s brown and somewhat suspicious? A Mooshroom of course! No, the other kind! Here’s this week’s snapshot with lots of bug fixes and suspicious additions! Check out 19w08a here!
We got our drill! So good! Except… we can’t use it. Let’s wrap that up and sort out some other things to set up moving forwards on several other areas – Feed The Beast: Continuum is back!
Yesterday I was back on the fan server to keep building my home…. and go find things I left behind before. If you missed it, here’s the archive!
A new version of the Minecraft Launcher has been released with some new options and fixes for top complaints, including the lack of sound in old Minecraft versions. Here’s an overview of the changes and fixes!
Can we finally make that slime sling we’ve been looking at for such a long time? Well, maybe… some long awaited progress in this episode of FTB Continuum!
Snapshots are great ways to get a glimpse of what is coming in future Minecraft versions. This quick tutorial explains all you need to know of how to get and play a snapshot.
OMG, Foxes! It’s time for this week’s snapshot, adding foxes that say… squeek? Find out all about them and all the other changes in this comprehensive look at Minecraft Snapshot 19w07a!
The Sunday Map Making stream turned into a Monday one, and we did some pretty complex math for Project Sacrifice – a totally custom random number generator. Here is the stream archive in case you missed it!