Author Archives: slicedlime

What’s New in Minecraft Snapshot 19w11a?

The last big feature snapshot for Minecraft 1.14 has been released, with a new globe banner pattern, a completely new villager trading system and much, much more. Here’s a *very* comprehensive guide of the changes in Snapshot 19w11a.

Blocks & Items:
– New “Globe” banner pattern and item – can be bought as a high-level trade from cartographers
– Smithing table is crafted with 4 planks + 2 iron ingots
– Fletching table is crafted with 4 planks + 2 flint
– No functionality in 1.14 for Smithing/Fletching, coming in next major update

– All village types now only have a nitwit and unemployed spawn structure files
– New villagers now spawn without a profession, and then switch once they find a POI
– Before they’ve switched, they cannot be interacted with and have no trades
– Villagers now have a daily schedule
– Each villager will try to find their own bed and work station
– Each profession has a specific block that works as a work station for them
– Armorer: Blast furnace
– Butcher: Smoker
– Cartographer: Cartography table
– Cleric: Brewing stand
– Farmer: Composter
– Fisherman: Barrel
– Fletcher: Fletching table
– Letherworker: Cauldron
– Librarian: Lectern
– Mason: Stonecutter
– Shepherd: Loom
– Toolsmith: Smithing table
– Weaponsmith: Grindstone
– When working, they now make sounds, showing up as “Armorer works” in subtitles, and similar
– Village detection is now based on beds, job sites and meeting points instead of doors
– Iron golems will spawn when enough villagers meet

– Villagers now level up in a new way
– Villager gets XP depending on what player trades
– Higher level trades give more XP
– Selling items to villager gives approximately twice the XP as buying items
– Levels: Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Master
– The trading UI is updated (WIP)
– Villagers restock up to two times per day, if they can work at their work station
– Villagers display the item they want to trade for your in-hand item
– Trading prices now depend on demand and player reputation
– Trades can be used around 4 times

– Armorer:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 15 coal. Sells iron armor pieces for as many emeralds as it would take iron ingots to craft that piece – plus one extra for the chestplate
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 4 iron ingots. Sells bells for 36 emeralds, chainmail boots for 1, leggings for 3
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 1 lava bucket or diamond. Sells shields for 5 emeralds, chainmail helmets for 1, chestplates for 4.
– Expert: Sells enchanted diamond leggings or boots, price depending on enchant
– Master: Sells enchanted diamond helmet or chestplate, price depending on enchant

– Butcher:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 14 raw chicken, 7 raw porkchops, 4 raw rabbits. Sells rabbit stew for 1 emerald.
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 15 coal. Sells 5 cooked porkchops or 8 cooked chicken for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 7 raw mutton or 10 raw beef
– Expert: 1 emerald for 10 dried kelp blocks
– Master: 1 emerald for 10 sweet berries

– Cartographer
– Novice: 1 emerald for 24 papers. Sells maps for 7 emeralds
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 10 glass panes. Sells Ocean monument treasure maps for 13 emeralds
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 1 compass. Sells woodland mansion treasure maps for 14 emeralds
– Expert: Sells item frames for 7 emeralds and any color of banner for 3 emeralds
– Master: Sells the globe banner pattern for 8 emeralds

– Cleric
– Novice: 1 emerald for 32 rotten flesh. Sells 2 redstone for 1 emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 3 gold ingots. Sells lapis lazuli for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 2 rabbit feet. Sells glowstone blocks for 4 emeralds
– Expert: 1 emerald for 4 scutes or 9 glass bottles. Sells ender pearls for 5 emeralds
– Master: 1 emerald for 22 nether wart. Sells experience bottles for 3 emeralds

– Farmer:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 20 wheat, 26 potatoes, 22 carrots, 15 beetroots. Sells 6 breads for 1 emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 6 pumpkins. Sells 4 apples or pumpkin pies for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 4 melons. Sells 18 cookies for 3 emeralds
– Expert: Sells cake and suspicious stew for 1 emerald.
– Master: Sells 3 golden carrots and for 3 emeralds and 3 glistening melons for 4 emeralds

– Fisherman:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 20 string, 10 coal, sells bucket of cod for 3 emeralds. Cooks 6 cod for an emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 15 cod. Sells campfires for 2 emeralds. Cooks 6 salmon for an emerald.
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 13 salmon. Sells enchanted fishing rod, price depending on enchant.
– Expert: 1 emerald for 6 tropical fish.
– Master: 1 emerald for 4 pufferfish. Sells boats for 1 emerald.

– Fletcher:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 32 sticks. Sells 16 arrows for 1 emerald. Turns 10 gravel into flint for 1 emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 26 flint. Sells unenchanted bow for 2 emeralds
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 14 string. Sells unenchanted crossbow for 3 emeralds
– Expert: 1 emerald for 24 feathers. Sells enchanted bow, price depending on enchant
– Master: 1 emerald for 8 tripwire hooks. Sells enchanted crossbow, price depending on enchant. Turns 5 arrows into 5 tipped arrows for 2 emeralds.

– Leatherworker:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 6 leather. Sells dyed leather leggings for 3 or chestplate for 7 emeralds
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 26 flint. Sells dyed leather helmet for 5 or boots for 4 emeralds
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 9 rabbit hides. Sells dyed leather chestplate (again) for 7 emeralds
– Expert: 1 emerald for 4 scutes. Sells dyed leather horse armor for 6
– Master: Sells saddles for 6 emeralds, dyed leather helmets (again) for 5

– Librarian:
– Every level except Master has a new random enchanted book trade
– Novice: 1 emerald for 24 papers. Sells 3 bookshelves for 6 emeralds
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 4 books. Sells lanterns for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 5 ink sacs. Sells 4 glass for 1 emerald
– Expert: 1 emerald for 2 book and quills. Sells clocks for 5 emeralds and compasses for 4 emeralds
– Master: Sells name tags for 20 emeralds

– Mason:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 10 clay. Sells 10 bricks for an emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 20 stone blocks. Sells 4 chiseled stone bricks for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 16 blocks of granite, andesite or diorite. Sells 4 polished granite, andesite or diorite for 1 emerald
– Expert: 1 emerald for 12 quartz. Sells any color of terracotta for 1 emerald.
– Master: Sells quartz pillars for 1 emerald

– Shepherd:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 18 white, gray, black and brown wool. Sells shears for 2 emeralds
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 12 white, gray, black, light blue or lime dyes. Sells all colors of wool for 1 emerald and 4 carpets of any color for 1 emerald
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for yellow, orange, red, light gray and pink dyes. Sells any color of bed for 3 emeralds
– Expert: 1 emerald for green, cyan, blue, magenta, purple dyes. Sells any color of banner for 3 emeralds
– Master: Sells 3 paintings for 2 emeralds

– Toolsmith:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 15 coal. Sells stone axe, shovel, pickaxe or hoe for 1 emerald
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 4 iron ingots. Sells bells for 36 emeralds
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 30 flint. Sells enchanted iron axes, shovels or pickaxes or enchanted diamond hoe.
– Expert: 1 emerald for 1 diamond. Sells enchanted diamond axe or shovel
– Master: Sells enchanted diamond pickaxe

– Weaponsmith:
– Novice: 1 emerald for 15 coal. Sells iron axes for 3 emeralds and enchanted iron sword
– Apprentice: 1 emerald for 4 iron ingots. Sells bells for 36 emeralds
– Journeyman: 1 emerald for 24 flint
– Expert: 1 emerald for 1 diamond. Sells enchanted diamond axes
– Master: Sells enchanted diamond swords

– TNT and TNT minecart explosions now have 100% drop rate
– Fixed minecarts being unable to traverse corners
– Fixed blocks/entities above beds pushing sleeping players – now gives “This bed is obstructed” message
– Fixed the camera glitching through tall grass, sea grass, and kelp in F5 (third-person) mode
– Fixed multishot crossbow arrow spread depending on pitch
– Fixed being unable to break the chorus fruit flower when shooting with an arrow or trident from directly above
– Fixed arrows passing through blocks
– Fixed regular bows using rockets to fire
– Fixed fire charges lighting campfires underwater
– Fixed waterlogged wooden slabs/stairs/fences/scaffoldings catching fire
– Fixed scaffolding placement breaking blocks in its way
– Fixed scaffolding blocks not notifying the player when trying to exceed build limit
– Fixed being unable to place the seventh scaffolding of a scaffolding bridge
– Fixed being unable to climb waterlogged ladders or scaffolds
– Fixed crops not being plantable by aiming against the side of blocks
– Fixed sweet berry bushes not replacing snow layers, grass, tall grass, ferns and large ferns
– Fixed Melon and pumpkin stems not growing when there is a block above them
– Fixed armor stands not being affected by the piercing enchantment
– Fixed block entities in player’s chunk becoming stuck when reloading the world

– “Who’s the pillager now” now only triggers when a crossbow is used.
– A balanced diet now also requires suspicious stew and sweet berries

– Fixed wither skeletons and zombie pigmen not going through lava to get to enemies
– Fixed endermen immediately starting to move after being looked at instead of freezing and staring back at you
– Fixed endermen not trying to avoid fireworks
– Fixed skeleton bows not using enchantments
– Fixed multishot arrows not spread when shot from pillagers
– Fixed pillagers that stop fighting while reloading, reloading forever until they see another target
– Parrots can now imitate pillagers, ravagers and pandas
– Fixed being able to interact with dying mobs, and mobs still performing actions
– Fixed wolves not attacking mobs you damage with a projectile
– Mobs killed by pets now giving loot rewards including rare loot as if killed by player
– Patrol leaders killed by pets now give the bad omen effect
– Fixed dogs attacking tamed cats
– Fixed animals frequently quitting following the player
– Fixed wandering traders and trader llamas spawning when the doMobSpawning game rule is false

– Blast furnace sounds added
– Smoker sounds replaced
– Cauldron dying sounds added
– Fletching table sounds added
– Smithing table sounds added
– Fixed clicking bells in spawn protection without op animating it but playing no sound
– Fixed the new note block instrument audible range being too low

– Now see the player in bed when in F5 mode.
– Fixed particle effects appearing slanted or not at all when sleeping
– Fixed note blocks using gray color for certain music notes
– Fixed the draw order of translucent blocks being based on head position (not POV)
– Fixed chunks not rendering behind the player in F5
– Fixed wall bells’ side texture missing when next to certain blocks
– Fixed shadows being too small for pandas, ravagers, turtles, elder guardians, ghasts, minecarts and boats
– Fixed eating or blocking with a crossbow in the offhand showing both items

– Accessibility menu
– When the narrator is turned on, buttons will be narrated on focus
– Most screens allow tab and shift+tab navigation through buttons, edit boxes and other UI elements
– Most lists allow up/down arrow keys to navigate through them
– Option to turn up the background of all transparent text elements, which should help make them more readable for some people

– Fixed the difficulty lock appearing to be unlocked when switching dimensions
– Fixed the scroll bar resetting when selecting a language
– The new wall types have moved from the Building Blocks creative tab to the Decoration Blocks tab
– Crossbows’ lore now shows information about the loaded projectile

Map Making:
– Villagers now have a Brain data section in their NBT
– killed_by_crossbow advancement trigger
– All of the wall recipe advancements have been moved from the recipes/building_blocks folder to recipes/decorations
– There are now POI block tags for all villager types: armorer_poi, butcher_poi, cartographer_poi, cleric_poi, farmer_poi, fisherman_poi, fletcher_poi, letherworker_poi, librarian_poi, mason_poi, shepherd_poi, toolsmith_poi, weaponsmith_poi
– Generic POI block tags:
– job_site_poi: combines all the specific types into one
– meeting_site_poi: bell by default
– points_of_interest: meeting sites, job sites, beds
– The New_Village argument to /locate is gone, /locate Village now locates any type of village.

– Fixed the main thread of server using 100% of one CPU core when no users are logged in
– Crash fixes

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