What’s New in Minecraft Snapshot 15w43a?
Snapshot video is up! Sorry about the delay, I’ve been out this evening for a concert and came home relatively late.
Snapshot video is up! Sorry about the delay, I’ve been out this evening for a concert and came home relatively late.
A new Kickstarter game that just entered a backer alpha on stream – here’s a first look at Defect SDK!
The End? The End.
It’s time again for a request – it’s been quite a while since last time!
We’re getting closer to the end of the no pickaxe challenge – time to gear up for a dragon fight!
Glass Core returns! Let’s make a mob system to get us some ender pearls. But first… I need to get some planks, and… oooh, shiny!
Frost Walker, hm? Needs Fire Walker – I made it using command blocks!
Snapshot day is here! Here’s a snapshot overview video with a blooper that Sony Vegas decided to butcher about half of :/
And the Finale of the Battlefield 3 Developer Commentary is here – The final mission of the game, The Great Destroyer.
Who needs a pickaxe? Let’s go find a stronghold!